
Habits are subconscious behaviors, which we often do. New habits norm in similar way. Due to repeating behaviors, they are remembered in our brain. And for example we can go all the way to school without paying attention. Advertiser Claude Hopkins, man who is responsible for dissemination of brushing teeth, realized that habit have 3 ingredients: cue, behavior and reward. If we well present cue and reward, we can make people do any behavior.

subconscious - Some actions like breathing people do subconsciously.

efficient -  Your broad knowledge means your way of learning is efficient.

to trigger - The thunderstorm triggered delays at airport.



  1. Just to be fair, the link between cue (stimulus), behaviour (response) and reward (or punishment) was observed and described in detail long before Mr Hopkins came up with this idea. There was, and still is, a whole branch of psychology called behaviourism, which originated in late 19th century and deals with conditioning, i.e. forming habits.


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