Phones in our lives

I noticed that people spend more and more time on a phone. I decided to download an app "App Usage" to found out how many hours I spend waste on it. It turned out that I look at screen even from 5 to 6 hours a day! I have to admit that such a quantity scared me a lot. Consequently, I started thinking what is the main reason of this activity. Young people spend so much time on phones, because of ability to contact with their peers. Moreover, In the most of the causes we don't use any more dictionaries, calculators, calendars, alarm clocks, because it's more comfortable to use only one device. Nowadays, phones become more powerful and able to do more and more tasks.


  1. So in principle, we use our smart devices because they are multifunctional. There seems to be nothing wrong with the smartphone relacing a dictionary, a watch and a calculator. The problems start when the replace face-to-face human contacts.

  2. It is not bad that mobile phones are able to do many task, because it is very useful, it is bad when people do not use smartphone wisely and spend many hours playing some stupid games.


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