Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?

In recent years in European, but also in other countries alt-right politicians become more and more popular. In Europe a lot of them take office or become the main opposition voice. A short time ago, one of far-right politics almost become president of Austria. He lost by only 31 thousands votes. The main reason of such a popularity is huge influxes of immigrants to European countries. It's related to increase risk from terrorists posing as migrant. Moreover, It's worth to mention the fact that a lot of people take into account fear of globalism and consequently fear of loss of national identity. It's associated with tradition and patriotism. Politicians such as bolsonaro are more and  more popular due to conviction that they will solve their problems.


  1. I wonder how exactly the far-right would solve the problems you mentioned. More soldiers? More guns? Bigger and more crowded prisons? Wall built along borders? Patriotic demonstrations? The problem is that all these are not workable solutions.

  2. Maybe restrict imigrant influx and deportation of criminally charged migrants ?


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