Children watching TV

I think it's easy to see how much time children spend watching tv. Many people believe that children should not watch TV at all. However, other people think that this activity has a lot of advantages. One of the advanteges is education. Some channels give an opportunity to learn pronunciation of difficult words in their mother tongue and practice some foreign languages, too. Moreover, some science channels are source of knowledge about our society and environment. As a result, children adapt to live in our community. On the other hand watching TV by children is unhealthy. Young person, who spend more than 4 hours a day staring at a screen, can easy became addicted to it.  In addition, children some sort of programs could be a source of brutal behaviors . As a result, young people, who have inappropriate behaviors can be isolated from a group of their peers. Watching TV has many advantages such as opportunity to get knowledge, but also could be a source of problems to children. I think watching TV can be a good idea if they don't spend too much time on it.


  1. The solution you offer in the last sentence has little to do with the problem you present. It's not the amount of time they spend in front of the TV that matters but WHAT they watch. Beware of such inconsistencies.
    BTW, I thought no one watches TV anymore!

  2. I think that children would rather watch some mindless programs than programs based on science. In my opinion it's always better for children to do things which involves using their creativity and brain than sitting in front of the TV


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