It is possible that we will stop being throwaway society?

It's impossible that we will stop being throwaway society. Our society is strongly influsted by consumerism. Peaple make a lot of products, use them up extremely quicky and throw away. In order to satisfy and simplify using for consumers, number of producers make disposable products or add unnecessary parts. Moreover for ages humans like to surround themselves with various goods, which are often useless, when "hang out style". Due to our consumption it's impossible that we will stop being throwaway society.


  1. Please control your spelling! The following are not words: influsted, Peaple, quicky.
    And what does this mean: "when "hang out style""?

  2. I don't think so. Maybe my opinion is optimistic, but I think that everything is possible if we really want it.

  3. Don't you think that this problem could at least decrease if we raise awareness of the consequences of such lifestyle?


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