Will Ho, a marrine biology photographer from Taiwan, captured amazing images of glowing blue sand, on the beach in the Maledives. As a matter of fact, this glow was caused by living creatures, which are actually a type of bioluminescent plankton called Lingulodinium polyedrum. Typically, these creatures float around the ocean undetected. They don't glow all of the time. It takes energy to make the chemicals that allow them to glow. However, when they are under stress, whether from strong current or crashing wave, they emit beautiful light. This marvelous phenomenon was used by director Ang Lee in the film "Life of Pi". Nevertheless, this phenomenom is not a good think. It's also know as a "red tide", what is common term used for harmful algal bloom. Some of these tiny organisms produce toxins that kill marine animals, make shellfish dangerous to eat and have harmful effects for human. National Ocean Service have been monitoring and studying this phenome...
You give two very different reasons for our beliefs in the supernatural in your text: the need to understand what's going on and the fear of death. They should both find a place in your topic sentence and, also, should be more clearly separated and explained within the paragraph.
OdpowiedzUsuńI'm not really sure that these two reasons why people belive in supernatural things are related to each other.
OdpowiedzUsuńSo do you think that the only ground for such beliefs are peoples' hopes for existance after death and explaning phenomena we don't understand?