Should people spend money on space exploration?

I think that people should spend money on space exploration. It open up some new possibleties and let us discover the world.
In cause of this process people can know history of Earth and the universe. It allows find out how world looked like before existence of humanity, or even solar system. Moreover maybe some days peaple will need new planet and exploration can help find one suitable for life. 
Space exploration expand our knowledge of world aroud us and maybe in the future will help all of mankind.


  1. How many paragraphs are there? Layout!
    Your first two sentences should be merged into one topic sentence, which will correspond well with the concluding one.

  2. I don't really know what links history of Earth with Space exploration?

  3. Aren't there any ,more 'urgent' questions than the history of solar system? I think it could also solve some more present problems.


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