Mammatus clouds

Znaleziony obraz

Mammatus clouds are unusual clouds formation, which are hard to confused with another, because of their unique shapes. This phenomenon can extend hundreds of miles in any direction. Mostly, Mammatus clouds are formed in association with large cumulonimbus clouds. It's interesting that "Mammatus" comes from the Latin "mamma" which translates to "udder" or "breast". What's in these  "udders"? It's ice crystals and water droplets, what causes that saturated air is heavier than the surrounding air.

Podobny obraz
For various reasons this phenomenon presents a danger to aircraft.
  • These clouds are usually made of ice. It pose a threat to light aircraft without de-icing systems
  • Wind force is variable, which is dangerous during takeoff and landing 
  • Phenomenon is often associated with funnel clouds, tornadoes and thunderstorms

You can also see this phenomenon in Poland. The following photo from this country.

 fot. Agata Orzeł



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