
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2019

David Letterman's stories

David Letterman answered Ellen's Burning Questions. During game, he told some short stories about his life. For example, one day he with friends cut school .They took their skateboards and went to the highest point in their area, which is grave of James Whitcom Riley. All afternoon they skateboarded down from his grave through the other graves. Other story was about his previous job. As a kid, he with his friends worked at supermarket. Every weekend for four years they stole beers and went out. drive sb crazy- He had to spend all week with his cousins and they drived him crazy. apparent - He was mad at her despite luck of any apparent reason. embellish - They had embellished their house with some ornaments, before guests arrived.

How Painted Wolves' Pack Mentality Ensures their Survival?

As a pack painted wolves can be a danger even for stronger predators than they are. For example cat like leopard must move fast so as not to lose their meal. Furthermore, pack together face a threat. They one by one distract enemy and keep him away from a pack and meanwhile one of adults go away with pups to save them. One of the most important aspect of survival is a reproductive success, and so painted wolves work together to raise puppies. They are one big family, where everyone cooperates. attentive- Mary is attentive mother for the sake of her children ensure- His sister ensured him job in her firm. devoted- Alex is devoted huspand who really cares for his wife.

How to let go of pointless possesion?

Some people think that they have too many useless things in theirs houses. There are a few ways to let go of these stuff. Firstly you should think about your shopping. For example, if you know that you will not be fully satisfied with your new clothes, you shouldn't buy them. Moreover, you should look at things at your house. You can make a box of stuff you're not sure of. If after a year things are in a box you can throw them away. rid of- I should rid of my old textbooks. reluctant - I very reluctant to agree him right. keep in mind - You should keep in mind that she is just a kid.