
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2017

Wonderfull and Deadly Glowing Sand

Will Ho, a marrine biology photographer from Taiwan, captured amazing images of glowing blue sand, on the beach in the Maledives. As a matter of fact, this glow was caused by living creatures, which are actually a type of bioluminescent plankton called Lingulodinium polyedrum. Typically, these creatures float around the ocean undetected. They don't glow all of the time. It takes energy to make the chemicals that allow them to glow. However, when they are under stress, whether from strong current or crashing wave, they emit beautiful light. This marvelous phenomenon was used by director Ang Lee in the film  "Life of Pi". Nevertheless, this phenomenom is not a good think. It's also know as a "red tide", what is common term used for harmful algal bloom. Some of these tiny organisms produce toxins that kill marine animals, make shellfish dangerous to eat and have harmful effects for human. National Ocean Service have been monitoring and studying this phenome...

What causes volcano lightning? How volcano lightning form glass balls?

Volcano lightning is one of nature's most epic display. That phenomenon is rarely seen and not fully understood by scientists. Generally, lightning forms inside a cloud when mixs warm and cold air. Negatively charge at the bottom and positively charge  at the top of clouds are cause of static electrical. A similar thing happens in volcano lightning, but there are some big differences. For example, volcano lightning forms much closer to the groud, doesn't nesessarilly move downwards and, what is most important, it's happens inside plums of ash. Inside towering clouds of volcanic ash, lightning storms can create tiny crystal balls. How does it happend? Volcano split out jugged glass shards during eruptions. Lightning within ash heat the air to 30 000 degrees Celsius, melting the glass particles. This molten droplets then form into balls as they fall through the air. Of course, glass can be made in normal volcanic eruption, but without lightning it doesn't get that unu...

What do you find disterbing on video?

What do you find disturbing on this video?  Jay Walker, instead of talk about English on the world, stay focused on situation in China. What isn't compatible with title od video.  In his speech I think disturbing is fact that children in China are forced to learn English. Another thing, I was astonished by the importance of this english exam in the future lives of these people.